One more step in the right direction

The fourth day of the project Erasmus+ “This is my turn” was full of exciting activities from the beginning to the end.

It started with the making of a photo story: a story told with photographs. It was followed by a guided tour of the “Museo della Certosa”, which opened on 1994 to show the world about the monk’s lives. This was the second monastery of Certosa’s order, the first one being in Grenoble, France. In this museum, the monk Basilio Trivellato received us with welcoming warmth.

After, we visited “Santa Maria del Bosco” were there was a statue of “San Bruno” praying in the lake, were many years ago people came from nearby villages to be exorcised with the water. Despite this macabre past, the view was breathtaking.

For the second part of the day, there was a role playing game were two people had to talk and mimic about new cultures and interculturality. With this activity all of the different cultures in this Eramus+ project could be recognized.

The biggest activity of the day consisted on the visit of two special public speakers: Francesco Pungitore, a television journalist and Salvatore Luciani, a teacher with political experience. The main topics talked were about the image of the speaker, non-verbal communication and how important it is to project your voice correctly. We had the chance to interview each other in front of a professional camera and learn what we could improve in our speeches.

Some tips shared were how to fix your attention on people of the audience in order to not lose concentration. Another tip was to summarize your speech in the end and although how you present your image is important what matter most is what you have inside to offer your audience. The guests shared with us their worry for the lack of human interaction outside of our screens and how it is up to us to improve the way we communicate. This finished with some professional interviews, taken by Francesco Pungitore, about our thoughts on this Eramus+ project.

The day ended on a positive note, knowing that we were a step closer to accomplishing our objective on improving our public speaking skills.

Roxana Maria Mihalic

Juliana Thais Rossoni

Bruno Bartone

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