At ten o’clock the erasmus+ group was received by major of Serra San Bruno into the proloco office that was given to do our activitis. We had the pleasure to meet the major. Our day started introducing ourselves through some games together. He give us also the possibility to take all together a beautifull picture to frame the moment in our memory.
The last activity and the most interesting one was the deep knowledge of us. Before lunch, we were walking into little Serra San Bruno’s streets, in group of two, chatting with each other about ourselves. Paying special attencion in order to present the other person into a public speach. At the start, was really dfficult to see so many many eyes stearing at you, but this the project and this is my turn. We are aware that it is not a easy goal, but at the end of the day we had good memories and the satisfaction of face our fears.
During the afternoon we spoke in public, someone mentory us show to improve our comunication skills speaking. At first, you must broke the wall in front of you, but of course: in a metaphoric way. The first obstacle was conquest the public, you can achieve this not looking down, having a self-confident posture and using a clear voice.
We started to organize the week’s activities of the following days, in particural the radio show. We will be online on 7 Dicember in Radio Serra San Bruno (RS98).Organizing in a democratic way in groups of 6 participants we were discussing and listing project expectations, contributions and fears.Thanks to the kind of the pub’s owner we could end up the day playing some games and hanging out in Serra San Bruno pubs. It was cold outside but we tried to keep ourselves warm.
Tommaso Vetere
Carlos Alejandro Fenoy Manzano
João Guimarães Sequeira De Paiva
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